Friday, August 26, 2011

Queen Sinusitis hangs up her crown...Daft Punk vs. Edward Birdsong

I am so sorry for the lack of recent posts lately. I have been out with a sinus infection for the last week and a half. Now back to our regularly scheduled rant programming. As you guys know, I love what I do., I generally love ranting on artists I don't like for stealing from artists I do like.
Occasionally I have to rag on someone I like. Or sometimes, LOVE.
This is one of those times.
Wahh. I'm gonna do this a little differently that usually. First up...The victim.

Artist: Edwin Birdsong
Song: Cola Bottle Baby
Release Date: 1979

Now if you know anything about techno house, you already know where this is headed. I know I do. we go...the thieves.

Artist: Daft Punk
Song: Harder Better Faster Stronger
Release Date: October 13th, 2001

How you Daft punk fans (like me) doing? Yeah. But I can't deny this one. It's blatant. Excuse me while I go try to convince myself to forgive them.

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